To Sync or not to Sync - Printable Version

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To Sync or not to Sync - Busdriver - 30-12-2006

If you're in the Sydney to Hobart - definately not to sync.

But your throttle bodies - yes.

Went for coffee at Max's today and finished up doing a spannering session on tenacious's and my bike.

Max had the old mercury tubes out so we put them over my '06 bus. All except #2 were very close together. Number 2 wasn't that far out either really, but Max adjusted it for me. Now all 4 are very close to each other.

WHAT a difference it makes. Fixed the sort of miss/rough running when I'm at 60 kph in 3rd comming down my street.

Also, overall the bus seems smoother.

THANKS Max <i></i>

Re: To Sync or not to Sync - Max - 30-12-2006

Hey Les,
glad it worked mate. Nothing from the little guy yet, wonder if we made any difference to his ride. His cam-chain is without a doubt the worst clatter I have ever heard coming from a motor, hope he gets it checked sooner rather than later. That could also fix the hesitation he has when you start to power on, sort of stumbles for 5 - 600 rpms then goes, but not a good power delivery.

Did you get very wet, i went to the weather loop - you were heading right into the teeth of the storm.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

Re: To Sync or not to Sync - Busdriver - 30-12-2006

Hey Max

Very light drizzle. Roads were mainly dry.

As for Paul, see his post in "Under Pressure" in the Tyres, Suspension etc thread.



Re: To Sync or not to Sync - Max - 30-12-2006


thanks and cheers mate.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.