Kids & Water - Printable Version

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Kids & Water - ROD - 02-10-2009

I would normally post something like this in not bike related and i will move later
My bubby is ok but wanted to share this

Today i think i added a extra 20 years to my life me and my baby girl were sitting next to the pool at my sisters place we both had our feet soaking in the water ,When all of a sudden i see her face down in the water i cant recall turning my head but i did not see or hear her fall just noticed her lying face down f___k what a scare it all hapend in the matter of a split second so thats how fast it can happen .
Got her out she gave a couple of coughs and splutters and finaly a smile .
All i can say is im one very lucky dickhead for turning my back on a 10 month old baby
So people learn from this please and take care

Kelsea just before she went swimming

RE: Kids & Water - Heidi1 - 02-10-2009

Oh dude. You were there and she's ok, that's the main thing. They slip in without a sound, older kids thrash and squark, the little ones just slide in.

I'm not the praying kind, but someone had their eye out for you and I thank them.

RE: Kids & Water - BabyBusa - 03-10-2009


Sorry to hear that happened, but glad to hear your daughter is ok.

It's so scary and only takes a split second for something to happen, but you will remember this forever. Heidi is so right.....someone was looking out for her and your family.

RE: Kids & Water - BUSGO - 03-10-2009

Very glad she is ok and you were with her Rod.
Now would be a geat time to get her in and swimming while she has no fear of the wet stuff.
Babies take to water amazingly fast once they know to keep in touch with the surface.
Still, never to be left alone though of course.

RE: Kids & Water - richardo - 03-10-2009

Gorgeous baby girl! Lucky her dad was there to save her. Thanks for sharing Rod, it's a lesson to all parents to watch their kids around water. Every summer all around this country, so many kids don't make it out of the water.

RE: Kids & Water - cheeky - 03-10-2009

happened to our family as well.so soundlessly the slip in. very frightening.good outcome.

RE: Kids & Water - Volvi - 03-10-2009

yes a very important lesson that everyone should be reminded about. Im so glad it ended well to say the least. But as Busgo says, a good idea to take them to a toddler training course. it cant hurt only good can come of it.

RE: Kids & Water - Camel - 03-10-2009

Rod, I'm glad to hear it turned out well. The adverts are true, you don't hear it happen.

I recall when I was ten walking past the backyard swimming pool and seeing my two year old brother lying face up and immobile at the bottom with his blue eyes wide open. I've no idea how long he was there, but it couldn't have been too long because he came to life after I got him out. It was pure arse, without thinking I'd quickly pulled him up by his legs and as he came out the water flowed from his mouth, clearing his lungs. Little prick owes me big time!

BTW I've got five daughters and the thought of unfenced pools scares the shit out of me. Some people still insist on not fencing them because they don't think it will happen in their pool....


RE: Kids & Water - Leviathan - 03-10-2009

Rod, I'm very happy your little one is OK. I'll bet she gets an extra hug & kiss before bed tonight.

I re-qualified for my senior first aid & advanced resuscitation last week. As usual, the basic action plan has changed since my last course. I'd suggest to everyone (especially those with children & pools etc) to get on a refresher course.

RE: Kids & Water - NEMESIS - 04-10-2009

THANK F*** shes ok!

Too close a call my freind.

RE: Kids & Water - Ozboc - 06-10-2009

A very timely reminder especially now its getting warmer - and its never to early to start swimming lessons guys - our kids have been swimming since about 2 yrs of age

and thank god , your post was hear Rod and not on the 6 pm news .....


RE: Kids & Water - Missy_Moo - 09-10-2009

As mentioned - I can't say enough for everyone to do their CPR and keep doing it every year!!

Gosh its is so good to hear a happy outcome! Even if they are regular swim babies, please always keep an eye on them.

Take care xXx

RE: Kids & Water - weapon - 09-10-2009

(02-10-2009, 11:36pm)ROD Wrote: I would normally post something like this in not bike related and i will move later
My bubby is ok but wanted to share this

Today i think i added a extra 20 years to my life me and my baby girl were sitting next to the pool at my sisters place we both had our feet soaking in the water ,When all of a sudden i see her face down in the water i cant recall turning my head but i did not see or hear her fall just noticed her lying face down f___k what a scare it all hapend in the matter of a split second so thats how fast it can happen .
Got her out she gave a couple of coughs and splutters and finaly a smile .
All i can say is im one very lucky dickhead for turning my back on a 10 month old baby
So people learn from this please and take care

Kelsea just before she went swimming
Try not to feel bad you have paid with shock and terror Glad all is well and hopefully help others by passing on info Remember kids are like Busas cover a lot of ground in 1 second Regards Weapon

RE: Kids & Water - DjPete - 09-10-2009

Its happened to me with both our girls.
There is nothing more frightening.
The blood just drains from your face and it seems like an eternity to get to them.

Good news to hear all is well.
What a beautiful girl you have too Rod.

RE: Kids & Water - Madmax - 10-10-2009

(02-10-2009, 11:36pm)ROD Wrote: I would normally post something like this in not bike related and i will move later
My bubby is ok but wanted to share this

Today i think i added a extra 20 years to my life me and my baby girl were sitting next to the pool at my sisters place we both had our feet soaking in the water ,When all of a sudden i see her face down in the water i cant recall turning my head but i did not see or hear her fall just noticed her lying face down f___k what a scare it all hapend in the matter of a split second so thats how fast it can happen .
Got her out she gave a couple of coughs and splutters and finaly a smile .
All i can say is im one very lucky dickhead for turning my back on a 10 month old baby
So people learn from this please and take care

Kelsea just before she went swimming

Great save Dad. A story to tell at her 18th.
