The Gen2 1441 build - Printable Version

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The Gen2 1441 build - BLACKZOOK - 19-08-2009

Word has gotten out that my K8 is soon to undergo some motor mods so I though I would let anyone who is interested know what is involved and give an idea of what it costs to build a strong street motor. Keep in mind that this is not a drag bike and will be used as an occasional 100klm round trip Sydney city commuter and weekend runner. All parts are here the build should start first week of September. Similar setups in the states run 230+hp -125+ft-lb (a conservative number).
As far as I know this will be one of the first build all motor Gen2 Busa’s in Australia.

Nearly all parts were ordered from our site sponsors who I know give a good deal and look after their customers. Parts may be available cheaper direct from the individual suppliers but then you have the hassle of chasing around and if things go wrong your on your own. IMHO it’s better to look after our long term suppliers who will then look after you. Prices below are in Australian dollars and approx only - you may be able to haggle a better deal also prices change depending on the exchange rate.

My Baby purchased in February 08 now with 20,000k’s on the clock.
[Image: post3.jpg]

Engine Components
I did a fair bit of research and got advice from those on the forum who have hands on experience and actually know what they are talking about as to what the best setup would be for a strong reliable street motor, one that will survive daily riding and get the heart going when you really crack her open. This setup should start hot or cold and idle fine on a hot day in traffic. There are probably a thousand different combo’s available and I’m sure not everyone will agree on my choices – pay your money and make your own choices.

I got a Gen 1 block from Maj who had modified it and stress relieved where needed. Gen 2 blocks have had some issues recently cracking when over bored and hit with a shot of NOS. The Gen 1 block was sent to APE in the states who bored it to 84mm and re-plated it. I wanted this modified block rebored and plated not just a stock exchange block. Blocks can be had for a couple of hundred depending on condition. $300.00

No too high in compression so they will run fine on premium, we may even end up playing with them to lower the ratio a bit.
JE 84mm 13.25:1 pistons.
Piston and block kit approx: $1300.00
Plus freight for block to the states and local freight in Australian
[Image: jeblock.jpg]

Head and base gaskets to suit 84mm bore – cometec $150.00.

I chose a reasonable grind, the loss in bottom end and midrange should be compensated by the increase bore.
WEB billet .395/.378 grinds, purchased outright no exchange. $1100.00
[Image: Web_cams_big.jpg]
Schnitz adjustable cam gears $220.00
Allows dialing in of the cams.

Brocks cam relocation pin $50.00
[Image: Campin.jpg]

The head will be gas flowed locally this is where real gains can be made on the gen 1 and 2 especially with a big motor
Head work $1500.00 plus
[Image: HEAD-M-BUSA-CNC-BV.gif]

I will relocate the temp sensor so the fans come on earlier, the alloy blades move more air.
Two Muzzy alloy fan blades $120.00
[Image: fan.jpg]

High comp big bore busa motors don’t like starting on one battery especially when warm. This kit runs a small secondary gel battery mounted in the side of the tailpiece and charges automatically. No more switches to start/charge.
Tiger racing 24 volt auto start system $300.00
[Image: TBB-1324auto-system.jpg]
Wideband/Data Logger (already fitted)
This setup allows me to log all parameters after a ride and adjust fuel air to optimise the tune.
Wideband/data logger Tech edge 3A2 ($500.00)
[Image: 3A2.jpg]

Logger Display (already fitted)
To view air fuel ratio/throttle position/accurate revs while riding
Display Tech Edge LA2 $165.00
[Image: LA2.jpg]

PMR switch this allows me to turn off the lambda when not logging air fuel. $120.00
[Image: pmrswitch.jpg]

PC111 $400.00. Used to control the secondary injectors. (already fitted)
[Image: powercommander_iii_usb.jpg]

PCV $500.00 Used to control the primary injectors
[Image: powercommander_v.jpg]
ECU Reflash
I will reflash the ECU to increase the rev limit, take out the ignition retard and top speed limiter and set the rev limiter to a hard cut. Once the air/fuel, primary and secondary injectorsand timing have been set on the dyno I will disconnect and sell the PC111 and the PCV
Smith ECU re-flash hardware kit $240.00
[Image: Gen2ECUReflash.jpg]

Pipes (already fitted)
Brock shorty titanium $1500.00
[Image: Brocktitaniumshorty.jpg]

Engine Building
Name your price and good luck finding someone who knows what they are doing. $$$$$ Thanks Leonard

Dyno Tuning
Name your price and good luck finding someone who knows what they are doing. $$$$$ I will be taking the bike to Queensland for tuning/setup. Thanks Pete

Summary of costs
Second hand modified Gen 1 Block $300
Freight local and to ship the block $200.00
Block and pistons $1300.00
Gaskets $150.00
Cams $1200.00
Cam gears $220.00
Cam pin $50.00
Head work $1500.00
Radiator fans $120.00
24 volt starting system $300.00
Wideband/logger $500.00
Wideband display $165.00
Wideband PMR switch $120.00
PC111 $400.00
PCV $500.00
ECU reflash hardware $240.00
Brock pipes $1500.00
Engine build say $1500.00
Tuning say $1000.00

Total all up $11,365.00
Plus more stuff and costs I forget

Not cheap but should be fun on the road.

I’ll post updates as the build progresses.

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - NEMESIS - 19-08-2009

F***,doesnt seem like much when u start,but start adding it up,it quickly escalates!

So 230 hp at the wheel or motor bruce?

Looking forward to your progress an you couldnt be in better
hands regards to leonard!
Im very envious haha!

Why the gen 2 blocks weaker?
Made of a different grade of metal or?

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - BLACKZOOK - 19-08-2009

(19-08-2009, 02:02am)NEMESIS Wrote: So 230 hp at the wheel or motor bruce?
At the wheel mate.

Why the gen 2 blocks weaker? Made of a different grade of metal or?
Lots asking that question but need a metallurgist to discover why.

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - simmo - 19-08-2009

Thats cheap for what you get, Pi_thumbsup
A kick ass Gen2 yee harr Trophy

Its still a stock motor (some of the parts) Lol2

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - spamanglenn - 19-08-2009

enjoy. Very Happy

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - Astro - 19-08-2009


RE: The Gen2 1441 build - big kev - 19-08-2009

cant wait to see the end result there bruce congrats bra

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - bigfoot - 19-08-2009

shold be one tough gen2!!

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - Heidi1 - 19-08-2009

How often will we have to stop for fuel when we do the next lap?

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - BLACKZOOK - 19-08-2009

(19-08-2009, 12:17pm)Heidi1 Wrote: How often will we have to stop for fuel when we do the next lap?

Lots and lotsLol3 It will be that fast I wont be ably to light my smoke while riding.Scary

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - Dan85 - 19-08-2009

some of that st
some of that stuff looks familiarCoolsmiley

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - Ward P - 19-08-2009

Will it be finished before December. You planning to ride it to wherever the annual Club ride ends up.
Good luck on the build Clap
Sure you're not just looking for more glory time in the pages of "rapid"
Has there been an issue that doesn't feature one of your exploits? Trophy

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - 09Fatboy - 19-08-2009

im 100% jealous , will the chassis and suspension be getting upgraded ect to cope with the extra power or will the current setup be ok ?

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - BLACKZOOK - 19-08-2009

(19-08-2009, 06:18pm)99sydrd Wrote: im 100% jealous , will the chassis and suspension be getting upgraded ect to cope with the extra power or will the current setup be ok ?

Alread has Ohlins rear shock and Racetec front end, braided lines all round and EBCHH pads.
Other mods already done are:
HID high and low beam
HID driving lights
Rad guard
Buel pegs
Swingarm Spools
DB Screen
Heated grips
Headlight guard
AUX power socket
Custom seat 50mm higher for fully grown peoplePi_tongue
Prob some other stuff I forget.

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - duc13 - 19-08-2009

This sounds like an awsome build Zook, keep us informed with the progress Drool