Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - Printable Version

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Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - ohdear - 02-06-2009


RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - bassmaniac69 - 02-06-2009

I was partly aware of this, however the media have not reported it that much that I have seen. I wonder how much $$ they have in it somewhewre...

Thanks for the link!

RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - Ozboc - 02-06-2009

well you have had it good for a long time, now to cough up the $$ like we do each and every week in NSW


RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - Leviathan - 02-06-2009

(02-06-2009, 07:00pm)Ozboc Wrote: well you have had it good for a long time, now to cough up the $$ like we do each and every week in NSW


I don't agree with you Boc.

You should be fighting to put pressure on the NSW state gov to introduce such a scheme / subsidy in NSW - not agreeing to have it removed in QLD.

RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - Greeny_SA - 02-06-2009

Welcome to the real world Queensland,you won't stop them now,Bend
over & take it like the rest of the country does. The bit that really shits
me is , if they spent All the money on roads, we would hardly have a
road toll at all.We have paid enough in fuel tax to have a 6 lane highway around the whole country. No more head on's. Good luck fighting it but unless we string a few polies up from the front of parliment house , they will keep doing exactly what they want. They
have all forgotten that they work for US & we pay THEM.

RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - ohdear - 02-06-2009


RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - Pommie - 02-06-2009

It's not a subsidy, just isnt taxed until next month. If they didnt put it on the fuel then it would go on sommat else. Gonna make the Fuhrer very unpopular, doubt she'll be top dog at next election after the current fiscal debacle thats going on here. Thankfully there's enough in the coffers though to update Carrara Stadium. Good to see the taxes and rates are going where they are most needed. Can wait for years for an operation but while you're waiting you can go to a nice newly updated footy ground. Just dont get taken ill there

RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - m8ee - 03-06-2009

The dark mistress has also decided to declare deer as feral pests in queensland and is about to start ordering culls and tagging quotas for farmers in order to decimate the current herds and thus make deer hunting non-viable. Talk about a long winded approach to disarming the community.
Scientific studies used to support her position = nil.
Consultation with sporting shooters and other conservation groups = nil.

God I am sick of people deciding how I should live my life for me.

She will be fine at the next election Pommie, after she sells heaps of govt. assets to make the books look good.

RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - Pommie - 03-06-2009

I reckon the fuel tax will see her off, when people are stung at the bowser an extra 9c, and the cost of the shopping goes up cos the hauliers have had to pass it on, this will give inflation a shove upwards so the banks will raise interest rates, the people who have stretched themselves to get into the housing market with all the giveaways will then find themselves struggling, the likes of independant couriers etc will be forced out of the market by the bigger ones who can absorb some of the hike, nahh mate I reckon her house of cards is about to collapse. I really friggen hope so cos she's one evil bitch

RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - tenacious - 03-06-2009

Yep it's bullsh*t that's for sure. I miss Peter Beattie - at least he was good for a laugh when things went balls up

RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - Pommie - 03-06-2009

(03-06-2009, 10:07am)Pommie Wrote: I reckon the fuel tax will see her off, when people are stung at the bowser an extra 9c, and the cost of the shopping goes up cos the hauliers have had to pass it on, this will give inflation a shove upwards so the banks will raise interest rates, the people who have stretched themselves to get into the housing market with all the giveaways will then find themselves struggling, the likes of independant couriers etc will be forced out of the market by the bigger ones who can absorb some of the hike, nahh mate I reckon her house of cards is about to collapse. I really friggen hope so cos she's one evil bitch
With all of that I think unemployment will most probably be on the up over and above what it is now. A lot of people are doing it tough now in Qld, mines are scaling back, lot of small industry stagnating or going backwards, here on Gold Coast Riviera gone tits up, small outlets closing down almost daily, tourism on the way down, add higher fuel plus the knock on effects of that and it's gonna get a lot tougher for a lot of peope and their families.

RE: Mutiny On The Bounty "Subsidy" - Louwai - 03-06-2009

Look at history.
Every time a Labor Gov has been in, the interest rates go up, Unemployment goes up.
They've been spending a crap load of money on "Stimulus Packages" but where did that money come from??? This government certainly didn't accumulate it.
Now they need to get money back into the coffers, hence stop the fuel subsidy & save money.