Now Speed Bleeders Review - Printable Version

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Now Speed Bleeders Review - Volvi - 09-04-2009

Getting ready to service my bike so bought a few things and boy has Motul gone expensive.

Last oil change was 7100 fully synthetic now $95 4 litre. Frakk it went back to 5100 still with 'Ester' for $63 discounted.

Brake oil Motul RF600 last one now $32, dont feel my riding style justifies the extra expense went for new model Motul 5.1 @ $18 discounted. Only diff between Motul Dot 4, 5.1 and RF600 is the heat tolerance. I dont do track work so dont need the high tolerance.

HiFlo filter @ $18.

Bought off ebay Speed Bleeders x 4 = US$28 plus bleeding bag with extra hose @ US$6 plus US$5 freight. Exchange rate for total AUS$57.70. Will see if these are any good but need new system as pain in the rear bleeding even with Mighty Vac that Ive used in the past.

Speed Bleeder Report - Volvi - 12-04-2009

Speed Bleeder Report:

Ok I installed the bleeders. They really made bleeding callipers easy especially for a one man operation.


Bled the 'outside' first namely the left side then the right. Each pull of the lever can really squirt a bit through so you have watch the master reservoir closely. Excellent you dont have to close the nipple before releasing lever, just keep pumping nice and easy, watch for any air bubbles in the line as it goes through and keep an eye on the reservoir topping it up regularly. My brakes were really spongy now theyre pretty firm dont know if coz fresh fluid or effective bleeding. Motul 5.1 which is a new fluid comes pretty close to clear or less yellow then the RF600.


I used this opportunity to replace rear brake pads. But the pistons were pretty firm and couldnt push them back in as needed the extra space for new pads. I knew I could always push them further out with foot pedal but that wouldnt help. So removed the whole caliper. Using the flat handle of a large wrench resting on the piston from the inside, I bared full body pressure on either side of lever with caliper resting on a firm surface. The pistons sunk in, took quite a bit of pressure.

Re attached caliper, pain in the arse with nut on the end of arm lever, middle nut closer to caliper wouldnt budge so left it. Slid new pads in with spring support (pain in butt), inserted pin retainer clip (double). Attached speed bleeders 2 of them, not many realise the single rear caliper has 2 bleeders on either side. Re-attached (braided) hose. Opened rear master cylinder (pain in butt) with seat off. Small funnel fill reservoir ezy to overfill, careful brake fluid a great paint stripper, watch duco. Rear cylinder so small and difficult to reach at least with tail panel still on. Bleed outside nipple first, pump and fill, pump and fill. Careful easy to pump reservoir dry which would only add air into system (guilty - happened) It dont take too many pumps to empty. Then bled other nipple. Always allow plenty fluid for extra (wasted) flushing. Used full container for fronts and rear, allowed just a little spare for top ups if needed. No point in saving fluid for future use other then minor top ups as fluid once opened doesnt hold after 3-6 months.

Speed Bleeders definitely made it alot easier to bleed However:

I was supplied model #7100 which is 35mm odd. And yes I found them a bit to long. Spare thread exposed when closed. There is model #7100S which measures 30mm odd which may be more suitable as OEM is 30mm. They reckon both sizes for Hayabusa but I cant see how as all Gen1 would have same callipers.
Sizes: http://www.speedbleeder.com/size.htm

Kirby the Ebay seller says that for bulk buy he would supply @ US$6ea. plus bulk purchase shipping. Not sure if theres any great savings unless 1 person wants to take on a bulk purchase and supply the rest. Or each buy from Ebay at ebay rates.

One thing I CANT confirm is that model #7100S fits perfectly as I didnt try them, but I suspect they are the correct size for the busa. The longer one that I installed all fits ok just exposes more thread. I may yet purchase another set of #7100S to use in a years time when replacing fluids.

Hope above helps to one and all.

RE: Now Speed Bleeders Review - Volvi - 12-04-2009

I also suggest that when ordering one might as well get a bleeder for the clutch which i forgot to do. There are 3 different sizes with different lengths so I will only be getting one when I know for sure the exact dimensions of the OEM so I can get the right length. Which I hope to check out some time this week and will post my results.

Kirby from Ebay wrote to me the following:

"Most of the clutch bleeders will be an 8mm by 1.25. Therefore, either the SB8125 or SB8125L should work for your clutch bleeder. The L bleeder has a longer tube on the end and will look like the brake Speed Bleeders you purchased. The SB8125 has a shorter tube on the end and may look more like the original bleeder. If you have room, I would suggest the SB8125L."

RE: Now Speed Bleeders Review - Volvi - 16-04-2009

With regards to the clutch bleeders I checked my OEM and dont forget Im on a '99 so cant vouch for other models tho I expect them to be the same at least as far as Gen 1 is concerned.

OEM measures 27.45mm in length therefore I will go with the standard model # SB8125 I also checked the hose on the oem and short nipple is fine the hose holds plenty well.

So thats about it, those interested go for it. Gen 2's should check with Kirby or consult Suzuki parts list to see if part number has changed since Gen 1.

RE: Now Speed Bleeders Review - Volvi - 23-04-2009

Quote:OEM measures 27.45mm in length therefore I will go with the standard model # SB8125 I also checked the hose on the oem and short nipple is fine the hose holds plenty well.
On a final point on the SB8125 (clutch-bleed) which I received and installed. It worked fine however the neck of the nipple is even shorter then the OEM so I agree with Kirby the slightly longer neck SB8125L would be more secure preventing hose from coming off.