Hair Dryers vs Overbore kits. - Printable Version

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Hair Dryers vs Overbore kits. - 1hotBUSA - 18-08-2005

Hi there,

We had an interesting discussion last night in regards to different paths to screw more power out of the mighty Busa,and we went into two different camps on the subject. One path was to go cams and 1397cc with aftermarket exhaust and mapping to see yourself into the high hundreds, and the other path was the hairdryer.

I'm looking at the hairdryer option, but would be happy to listen to constructive feedback from people who are either considering this path or who have already taken the journey. I know there was one turbo bike with a homemade kit at convention last year, and Shredders bike which was the Ghetto kit and featured in Rapid. I've heard the overbore option turns the motor into a grenade, but others think the turbo does the same thing. So to put 250RWHP to the ground and be able to ride on the street, what's the best path..

And Ray, I aint going to see 250HP out of a bottle of militec mate

Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!<i></i>

No question... - Throwdown - 18-08-2005

Turbo... <i></i>

Re: Hair Dryers vs Overbore kits. - Beestroyer - 18-08-2005

Why settle for one when you can do both? <i></i>

Re: Hair Dryers vs Overbore kits. - rocket rod 7777 - 18-08-2005

Well i guess it depends what you want.If you want grunt,go the big bore,if ya want top end,go the turbo.Do both and you have everything.
I think as far as reliabity,alot lot depends on how its put together,quality of parts,ect,ect.
Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>

Wich way - Fat Busa Racing 1347 - 19-08-2005

Also depends on what and where you want to ride and race

At the moment you can only DRAG a Turbo bike in

modified bike running on dial in's even if you have a bike that

can run an 8sec 1/4 you can still be beat by a bloke on a

11.90 hog If you build a big block you can step up and

run in Comp (group 2) and run on the National record in A/SB

and the Busa fits in well in this class

Thats what I'm trying to do with my bike. Dave Wolf at Wolf

Racing can supply 1460cc drop in kits

Just depends on what you want to do. Have a look at the

A.N.D.R.A rule book and see what you can and can't do

If your not Draging your bike you can't really use 250 + hp

on the street. But you can allways have a go on the salt


250 Plus !!! - fasterfaster1 - 19-08-2005

Street 250 plus = Adrenalin Rush = Sphincter Muscle gripping seat = A f*&^ing big smile
In Total when all added up comes to one huge BUZZZZZZZZZZZ and ain't that what ridings all about ?????????????

(All done with a responsible attitude I add here )
FF1 <i></i>

You need POWER - gazza414 - 19-08-2005

Graham, if your criteria is 250rwhp then Turbo is the only way.

N/A 250rwhp steetable isnt possible period.


Re: You need POWER - Maj750t - 19-08-2005

For some reason i cannot answer this post <i></i>

Re: You need POWER - Maj750t - 19-08-2005

Now it lets me , after much typing and not saving, i have had replys rejected 4 times...Bugger
In condensed form


S&R Pro in syd.

s/h s&r pro kit www.australiandragbike.co....php?t=211

Pete's Pitstop importing kits and fitting


Re: Turbo=good - GDYUP - 19-08-2005

Can't argue with the fastest guy in Oz...

Old Satly

Not sure about this one? Love to see it pull up for a latte in Marysville one day though...

So it's off to Pete's for a hair dryer eh... Just going to get that tatts ticket. I'll be back!


How about Nitrous - aBUSa - 19-08-2005

The way I see it there are a few options for over 200HP depending on what you want the power for and how long you want to use it!

Turbo would be the ultimate power trip, great for extended periods of increased Power with reasonably good reliability, the only trouble is its on all the time so it could be a handful if its your daily ride.

I like the idea of the big bores as externally there is no way of telling what you got, great for the Police States like Queensland. Probably not the best value as they cost nearly as much as a ghetto kit with less power.

Nitrous for the short bursts means your bike will ride like a stocko with the extra power only when you need it, a lot cheaper but requires higher maintenance and can be a bit riskier if its not properly setup but as a bonus you get to keep the kit for when you upgrade to the new 2010 1400 Busa if ever that ever happens.

<i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 19/8/05 1:03 pm

Re: How about Nitrous - hawkwind racing - 19-08-2005

try this australiandragbike.com.au....htp?t=211
the catpian has his S&R up for sale make an offer
Hawkwind <i></i>

Re: How about Nitrous - pan - 19-08-2005

That link doesn't seem to work... (or is it just my computer?)

Would S&R do nitrous?
Any idea what it would cost?
Would it affect insurance, road worthiness etc... or do you just "keep it secret"?

"sometimes, crime does pay"

Re: How about Nitrous - Tony Nitrous - 19-08-2005

Hi Folks,
My 10c worth ?

Before I moved to OZ I ran a NOS'd up 1200 Bandit on the Street and at the Drags.

Wet system, Cheap, easy to fit, jet power up or down to suit.
Only thing I up-graded was the clutch that didnt like the extra 60+ bhp coming in with a BANG. I loved it ! Great for the drags, and for putting mates in their place on the way to the pub. Best of all I could still ride a tame bike to work in the rain.

Down side was 2.5lb bottle was to big to hide and never seemed to last more than a minute or so. I am a BIG fan of NOS but its a quick fix when you need it, not everday REAL horsepower.

I have done the "big block" and the "nitrous" bikes, but I'v never ran a Turbo. Although nitrous would still be on my list of posibles a Turbo is so tempting.....

The Big block, cams, pipes, etc etc just turned into a money pit for me, which was why I loved NOS.



NOS .....ense - fasterfaster1 - 19-08-2005

NOS for a (laughing gas)
It's a fun ride and kit comes with velcro gloves
A 2.5 bottle fits under hump hidden and out of sight, insurance I'm sure is not going to like you .but do they ever ? On the legal side I have been told that one must have "the intent to use" on a car it usually means bottle must not be connected on the public roads, on a bike I figure that it just must not be operational from the riders seat at the time one is pulled up. If it's not operational then one can't have the intent ..........or can one ?
A good system set up correcty will give you no problem at all and bang for ya buck it can't be beaten. Wets the way to go even though dearer than dry and around 245 Hp from a small shot kit
FF1 <i></i>