Dyno Run - Printable Version

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Dyno Run - Rey - 10-07-2005

Just had my bike on the Dyno at Startline Motorcycles yesterday. I have the printout but no scanner :(

Its a fairly nice curve on hp but the torque was fairly steep and just stayed up:-
max HP 155.9
max Torque 95.2

Stock Blue/Silver 2004 Busa with approx 11,000 kms <i></i>

Re: Dyno Run - gazza414 - 10-07-2005

Sounds like an honest dyno Rey
what correction was used ie STD , SAE, ps or DIN ? <i></i>

Re: Dyno Run - GDYUP - 10-07-2005

Lets post them boys! Talk's cheap...

Only mods are led lighting and nickel plating...

Cheers, Riding not Talking


Re: Dyno Run - GDYUP - 10-07-2005

Same Cheesecake! A few years ago.

Only mods back then were heated hand grips and tank protector...


Re: Dyno Run - Rey - 10-07-2005

Quote: Sounds like an honest dyno Rey
what correction was used ie STD , SAE, ps or DIN ?

Used STD Horsepower & STD torque (ft-lbs)
I didn't know there was different types. <i></i>

Re: Dyno Run - Maj750t - 10-07-2005

The previous owner of my bike dyno'd at Pete's several years ago at 158hp,

Just have to learn how to use it all before i turn it up some more. <i></i>

Turn it up... - GDYUP - 11-07-2005

380 RWHP? Yeah I'd turn it up some more to Maj! k

How many lbs boost was that???

Cheers, My dyno sheet is very boring... <i></i>

Re: Turn it up... - Maj750t - 11-07-2005

Somewhere round 22-25psi(bit hard to tell looking in from the side), should be better esp in the midrange, more work required on the cam timing and tuning.

I'm hoping a few more people post there dyno runs and can list there mods ,helps those that may be thinking of changes and what they may expect. <i></i>

Dyno runs and mods - GDYUP - 11-07-2005

Re: Helps those that may be thinking of changes and what they may expect.

Fair enough Maj. I'll stop pissing about!
Yeah I have heated handgrips and some nickel plating.
Akro 4 into 1
Air box mod and BMC race air cleaner.
De restricted
Manual cam chain adjuster
Welded slipper clutch
The rest of the minor mods were either carried out by Balls or Pitstop. I don't ask. I just pay!

My 2c to the newbies is go for the Yoshi 4 into 1. Cheaper than the Ackro. Better mid range, which is where we all spend most of our time. (I've had both systems)
DO the airbox mod and BMC race air cleaner.
Then "don't f*** around" GET IT RE-MAPPED by an expert.
If you can't afford the re-map, forget the mods! Simple really......

Yeah I know Never ---- -- - ---
OVer 110 000 klms on a Busa has gotta ammount for something. (Over to you Rocket)


Re: Dyno runs and mods - rocket rod 7777 - 11-07-2005

Yawn!It just looks like a piece of paper with squiggly lines on it too me. What does this all mean in the real world?????
So you can accelerate a bit faster in the straights.......so what! yawn!!!!!I could put a bloody 351 v8 in a bike,like the boss hog,doesnt make it a good bike does it?
Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>

Re: In the real world it .... - gazza414 - 11-07-2005

Shane , I'd say its a very happy dyno. Correction factors in broad terms allow the dyno figures to be recalibrated to a std as to how various bodies "believe" is just. The dyno's have inbuilt if you like, a weather station that measures air temp, humidity and baro pressure. Based on these numbers corrections are made. That's it in broad terms. Also there are different dyno manufacturers out there and they arent all the same. 6% variation is not uncommon.

Prob 6 weeks ago now a mate of mine with his gixxer 05 1000 met up to prove a point together as he had an Yoshi can and PC3usb fitted and mapped at a dyno place in Sydney and achieved 169hp STD . He rode across town to where I normally go now and his bike pulled only 155hp std all within 3 hrs. My 2002 dead stock Busa pulled 155hp STD within 15 mins of his run.

A few weeks ago I had another one of my bikes on the same dyno and I saw another ZX10R dyno'd - dead std with 3000kms and pulled 143hpSTD and the guy then spent close on $2K with a Akro can only and PC3 and the bike pulled 147hp. Good value.... I dont know.
I have other hard data of people dyno ing same bike on 2 different dyno's same day and have seen 10 to 12hp variation.

Just use the dyno as a tool for tuning rather than talking shit as the numbers are meaningless if comparing. Just stick with the same dyno if doing mods , to see if you are going forward or backwards. <i>Edited by: Gazza414 at: 12/7/05 12:37

In the real world it .... - GDYUP - 11-07-2005


Even in the corners


Ex Busa owners are worse than ex smokers..........
Come in spinner... <i></i>

Re: In the real world it .... - fed10375 - 11-07-2005

Can someone explain the "corrections" on dyno runs. Pitstop motorcycles at Cessnock NSW did mine a few years back and it measured 192hp on dyno with K&N highflow air filters and 4 into 1 Akropovic exhaust. It seems that after seeing the other ones, mine maybe a bit of whishfull thinking on the dynos part.
Any thoughts
Shane <i></i>

the dyno as a tool for tuning - GDYUP - 11-07-2005

Yep! <i></i>

Re: In the real world it .... - Maj750t - 11-07-2005

Yep if your looking at numbers the only time they have real meaning is to get a base figure , do some changes re dyno and compare .

Gazza that inlet cam your selling is worth what? 5-7hp when fitted in place of the exhaust cam???
