underbelly.tale of two cities - Printable Version

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underbelly.tale of two cities - cheeky - 09-02-2009

well i have grown up in griffith and experienced alot of sights..heard of killings.people being dragged out of murrumbidgee river without ears..at the same time a killer peodofile on the loose.killed 3 children.buried 2 of them not far from where i live.

don mackay was a good man..not once did he ever hold a rally..the first 5 mins of underbelly was so wrong but thats what brings in ratings..
my hubby belonged too the same rotary as don.. it really devestated the communtity. i was involed with barbra the wife with the church and choir.

she died never knowing what happened too her hub..the rumours where there was a roo mincer in town and he went through that,also he went through local cement making factory.

as a kid you always got labeld.."oh your from griffith .got any dope?"

hmm it sells ratings!

RE: underbelly.tale of two cities - cheeky - 09-02-2009

al grasby was on the take big time... and they erect a memorial too him..lordy.

none of this was fimled in griffith.it was a set in redfern..

RE: underbelly.tale of two cities - rave - 09-02-2009

do'h i forgot to set the recorder! was it good? dammit

RE: underbelly.tale of two cities - BUSGO - 10-02-2009

Like the 1st series, I thought that it was a good 1st episode, however, I don't know if the characters in this series can carry the drama that the 1st one did. I hope they prove me wrong because I'm really looking forward to it.

RE: underbelly.tale of two cities - Madmax - 10-02-2009

she died never knowing what happened too her hub..the rumours where there was a roo mincer in town and he went through that,also he went through local cement making factory.
I have a mate who did some bag carrying work for Abe Safron, one of the heavies in Sydney. He told me years ago that poor old Don went into a mincer.

Who said you have to watch SBS for soft porn, the Underbelly series certainly keep the "boys" entertained. Bent coppers are worse than crims. At least the crims are crims, bent coppers are pretending to be the good guys. Happily after Commissions of enquiry a lot of the corrupt coppers were rooted out and did time in gaol - where they belonged.

This is not designed to re-open the cop bashing shit thread. Just a footnote that around those days there was a lot of back handed policing.


RE: underbelly.tale of two cities - kawasuki - 13-03-2009

Max I have a couple friends who own farms down there in Griffith.
One who is deceased now , but he had lived there for 30-40 yrs his son has it now, but a very nice person "trust me"

RE: underbelly.tale of two cities - bigfoot - 13-03-2009

i like the Boobies4 secnes Wm

RE: underbelly.tale of two cities - 2wheelfreak - 13-03-2009

a few of the Boobies4 scenes with them chatting in the bar was filmed at an establishment in Sydney called the Sefton playhouse, or so I hear. Wm Pi_tongue

RE: underbelly.tale of two cities - cheeky - 18-03-2009

kawasuki who are your mates who own farms? im a local and farmer..

interested in whom you know

RE: underbelly.tale of two cities - ROD - 19-03-2009

I Met the good man Chopper Read a few years back and i dont belive he could have done all those bad things such a nice bloke Confused

RE: underbelly.tale of two cities - simmo - 19-03-2009

I can't believe I miss all that Sex & Drugs, or did I, I do remember something about running around in my HQ van Lol2