Sniffer Dogs - Printable Version

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Sniffer Dogs - Pommie - 24-10-2008

Heard on radio tonight that SA police Police are gonna walk the streets, go round restraunts, public places and public transport with sniffer dogs to see who's carrying a bit of weed. Weren't there two soddin big wars fought to avoid this sort of thing and allow people to have their freedom. WTF dont they just slip a pair of Friggin Jackboots and goose step their friggin dogs. The time is coming where by there are gonna be cufew's and we'll need to carry a pass to say why we're out after dark, bad enough they tell you who you can and cant be associated with. Gone past being a nanny state, full on police state and the rest will follow suit. No porn, no weed, no full strength drinks in Indy precinct. Rest of the world will be pissin its pants before long laughing at us.

Rant Over

RE: Sniffer Dogs - humbussa - 24-10-2008

didn't know about the no full strength drinks at indy...that crap....the rest oh well thats life!!!mate weed, ice it's all the same....a drug is a drug!!! and porn just stimulates the man but eats the soul....i use to be addicted to porn but these days if i spot it it's more about what that poor girl has been through to get to that point.
mate that just my opinion as i've been through some serious shit in my life...everyone has a different take on it

RE: Sniffer Dogs - Pommie - 24-10-2008

It's just the principle of the thing that tics me off, I dont take drugs of any sort, not even a big drinker and seen so much porn in the Army that I think I'm immune so none of it affects me anyway, but as I said it's just the principle of it all. It's all minor stuff but it's building into major stuff just by the number of small personal freedoms that are being legislated against.

RE: Sniffer Dogs - humbussa - 24-10-2008

same mate....they just keep taking stuff away from us.....and pay us less and expect more from us LOL....life is getting harder thats for sure..

RE: Sniffer Dogs - Dan85 - 25-10-2008

RIOT anyone?

RE: Sniffer Dogs - humbussa - 25-10-2008

ha ha.......might as well lets start here....who's in?

RE: Sniffer Dogs - Dan85 - 25-10-2008

mate ive been in for yours but no one else was game to start burning shit and trashing the streets

RE: Sniffer Dogs - Mutha - 25-10-2008

Wtf Is this country doing, Farkin Nazis Pi_freak

RE: Sniffer Dogs - Dan85 - 25-10-2008

thats it lets go round up the cannon fodder eeeerrrrrr..........uni students and get cranky

RE: Sniffer Dogs - evilRasp - 25-10-2008

I hate having my freedoms eroded as much as everyone else here, but sometimes I can't help but think "Christ, we're a nation of dumb arses." I reckon a good portion of the time these "solutions" could be avoided if people used half a brain to consider the wider implications of their actions. Then again, I'm sure that I'm preaching to the choir here.

Screw the concept of "mateship" in the constitution, let's introduce the "No little pee wee Head" clause.

RE: Sniffer Dogs - busakid08 - 25-10-2008

Some "Poor Girls" do it cos they can make a shit load of $$; not everyone has been through shit to be where they are - we still have choice no matter what where our backgrounds come from. I am an ex junkie - I chose to change my life 20years ago whereas most of the blokes I hung around are dead now, I chose to go to a war zone (sure it was to feed my sick perverted sense of excitment and thrills), I chose to change my ways and start a new life - choice is awlway there no matter what situation we are put in. But I do agree the establishment is getting way out of hand with all the rules and big brother type behaviour but what are you going to do???

RE: Sniffer Dogs - DAD - 25-10-2008

So why do you think the Australian Government took our guns ? No guns cant fight back do what they want bend over take it like a little bitch.

RE: Sniffer Dogs - Madmax - 26-10-2008

Dan85 Wrote:thats it lets go round up the cannon fodder eeeerrrrrr..........uni students and get cranky

What did Cranky have to do with all this?

RE: Sniffer Dogs - Dan85 - 27-10-2008

lets get crank as in get angry

RE: Sniffer Dogs - busacrankin - 27-10-2008

You rang Max? Drool