RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
It pissed down last night at work, most of the blady night!
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
its raining again now
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
dog is sleeping over at neighbours
she's dug herself a retirement hole under his garden seat, and watches the world go by from his shed.
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
Wench - just cos he has a shed and tinkers.
I wish I had a shed to tinker in!
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
raining again now
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
Not sure what is on the menu for dinner
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
Nice weather really
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
still raining
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
Dogs home, rain got too much
and she thought it was after work hours time - time to go home
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
more work to do on assignments this week
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
its my last week
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
all handed in on monday
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
work tomorrow
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Missy_Moo - 24-02-2009
same ol same ol really
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - cheeky - 24-02-2009
just bawled eyes out after watching rspca on the bushfire animals then find my family..i,m such a sook