Clubmate Down... - Printable Version

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RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 02-01-2014

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:Another afternoon with Timothy. Nothing really different. He's reading alot, until he gets tired. Then its time for a nana nap. TAC have started payments.
Still waiting for quotes for his bike gear so that it can put in his insurance claim.
I showed him the photo of his Ute and the business cards, he still doesn't remember getting them. Pretty much all memory of the two weeks prior to his accident have gone.

RE: Clubmate Down... - Terry - 02-01-2014

Hope you have a speedy recovery Timmy.

RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 03-01-2014

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:We went to see Timothy today, he has been moved to another room. Room 16, just inside the security door. It was a surprise.
We went into his room and there was a skinny, tattooed elderly man in there.
Thank god he had clothes on.
He has a TV in his room now
He's been going to the gym for physio twice a day. It exhausts him, fell asleep half an hour after we got there .
The police officer in charge of his case rang. Said that the truck driver passed all his tests. No drugs, alcohol consumption and no phone use. Just failed to give way. He'll get a slap on the wrist, unless we want them to lay charges (no brainer), said yes. Officer said that is what he would have done, but couldn't tell us what to do. It'll either be held locally or Dandenong, where he lives. March or April

RE: Clubmate Down... - PostmanPete - 03-01-2014

(03-01-2014, 08:21pm)ROD Wrote: Bridget Fletcher

Quote:We went to see Timothy today, he has been moved to another room. Room 16, just inside the security door. It was a surprise.
We went into his room and there was a skinny, tattooed elderly man in there.
Thank god he had clothes on.
He has a TV in his room now
He's been going to the gym for physio twice a day. It exhausts him, fell asleep half an hour after we got there .
The police officer in charge of his case rang. Said that the truck driver passed all his tests. No drugs, alcohol consumption and no phone use. Just failed to give way. He'll get a slap on the wrist, unless we want them to lay charges (no brainer), said yes. Officer said that is what he would have done, but couldn't tell us what to do. It'll either be held locally or Dandenong, where he lives. March or April

Still be a veritable slap on the wrist!

RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 06-01-2014

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:Saw Timothy today, he said that he weighed himself at the gym, he has lost 8 kilos, I did say that it was not a good way to lose weight.
He wants me to bring in his mobile phone, I asked the nurse, she said he is 10 out of 12 on the PTA scale. So not yet.
If anyone plans on visiting him, he does physio most early afternoons and visiting hours probably end at 8-30 ish. He would welcome visitors.
He has an appointment at RMH on Friday morning at Plastics for his thumb. Hopefully the pins will be removed. Ouch.

I have cleaned this thread up and removed some posts , Please keep it on topic And if you don't like someone else opinion contact one of the Admins first before you reply to there opinion .

RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 07-01-2014

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:Yes!!! Timothy is now officially out of PTA. He says that tomorrow he is being moved to a normal ward.
It's amazing to see how well he has recovered. To think that the accident was 5 weeks ago today.
He had an Occupational therapist today, that hadn't seen him for two weeks. She said that she was very impressed with his recovery.
I'm taking in his mobile phone tomorrow, so he will be able to go on Facebook.
Thanks again everyone for your support and wishes for Timothy

RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 10-01-2014

Bridget Fletcher

56 minutes ago via Facebook for Windows Phone

Quote:Life is cruel.
We went to RMH today.
The jaw doctor had a look and said Timothy could progress to Soft food. Woman from the kitchen came and took his order for tomorrow. Only, his hopes were dashed. As the order didn't come in writing and they couldn't get hold of the doctor, Timothy has to wait until Monday. He was not impressed.
Good news. His elbow brace has been binned.
Doesn't need the support, needs a lot of physio to get his elbow more flexible. Will probably not be as good as before.

RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 13-01-2014

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:Timothy has now progressed from "baby food" to a"Soft Diet".
Pasta, rice and we'll cooked vegetables (mush) Bolognese etc.
So I won't have to sneak him down to the cafeteria anymore.
Lots of physio, mainly for his elbow.
He's very bored.
We had a game of Scrabble, he won.

RE: Clubmate Down... - David - 15-01-2014

That's no good
Get well soon.

RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 31-01-2014

Pete Zawacki

Quote:Visited Tim today at his house. He is out and going great. Really enjoying his food. We went to the local pub for lunch. We walked there, about 400mtrs. No probs. Was great to see him out in a real situation again with some normality. He even chatted up the barmaid and got a free coke! His elbow is still a bother but they are looking at it next week with some xrays etc. He is very keen to get back on but he's a realist too and thinks maybe next Spring. His Mum made a great banana cake too. Thanks! Go Tim. All great news and reason for everyone to smile and breath again.

RE: Clubmate Down... - Batfink - 31-01-2014

good to hear of such a great improvement... steaks are always better than baby food LOL

keep it going Tim

RE: Clubmate Down... - bazman - 31-01-2014

Good onya Tim....

Like I mentioned somewhere else previously......you sir, must surely be made of pretty tough stuff to be able to achieve all that you have in the last 7 - 8 weeks!!

I'm absolutely amazed and in awe of your comeback!!! Trophy

My biggest wish atm is that the rest of your rehab goes well, and that you are back out with the rest of us riding a (new & shiny) busa again real soon!!! Yes

keep it fun,

ps: ...and how is that newly-acquired nurse fetish coming along!?! Drool Lol3

RE: Clubmate Down... - larra - 31-01-2014

That is good news Clap

RE: Clubmate Down... - DjPete - 27-02-2014

Popping in to see Tim at his place again this Sat 1st March at 1pm if anyone wants tag along.
We will be going down to the local pub for a drink and lunch.
I'm in Glenroy area.

RE: Clubmate Down... - Landmine - 27-02-2014

Best wishes Tim it's been a lot of lost time hope you are on the way to full recovery. Follow this thread and think of you often.

(27-02-2014, 03:52pm)DjPete Wrote: Popping in to see Tim at his place again this Sat 1st March at 1pm if anyone wants tag along.
We will be going down to the local pub for a drink and lunch.
I'm in Glenroy area.