Hair Dryers vs Overbore kits. - Printable Version

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Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - hayabusa - 18-09-2005

Yeah, I don't run a progressive box so it's only good from fourth and up. maybe halfway through third and up but it r/l pretty quick.

I ran a 05 GSXR1000 and had no problems considering there was a weight difference of 45kgs. <i></i>

Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - simmo - 18-09-2005

Thanks again for that its sounds the best value for quick HP
im interested Pan where are you
Cheers Robert
World Wide CEO
Easyrider Imports

Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - hayabusa - 18-09-2005

Spend a few hours reading here, it will give you a few options.

www.suzukihayabusa.org/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=39 <i></i>

Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - 1hotBUSA - 18-09-2005

Now this could be interesting. We have three separate paths of evolution here, Simmo and Pan looking at NOS, I'm on the turbo path, and Ray heading towards 1661cc big block. The next few months could be very informative. There could also be three very cheap busa motors coming up too

2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i></i>

Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - kawasuki - 18-09-2005


Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - 1hotBUSA - 18-09-2005

Sounds like a great idea. It's been done before, but the fuel bill would be astrnomical

2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i></i>

Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - fasterfaster1 - 18-09-2005

I want a few of these kits for under a K ................foggers x 4, solenoids x 2, NOS filter, WOT switch, all braided lines, Liquid filled gauges x 2, Bottle warmer, NOS bottle, Relays, Fuel pump, Distributions blocks x 2, Fogger jets x 8, Fuses wiring etc
Gimme Gimme .................sounds like a bargain ? Where do i buy them ?
FF1 <i></i>

Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - 1hotBUSA - 18-09-2005

Oh I hope the quality is up to it on the $1000 kit. You'd be putting it in yourself so would be opening just a big a can of worms as I am. Still looking on with interest.

2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i></i>

Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - hayabusa - 18-09-2005

Huh! You can easily get a used NX kit off ebay (US) for around $450 - $500 ($US), no need for a bottle warmer, you don't need liquid filled gauges, I use an autometer n2o gauge I got off ebay for $55. All other parts came in the kit. I bought a fuel pressure switch $34 and a window switch $40.

I'm talking real world tried and tested. I've had it on for over a year now, 8 months with 60 jets making 220hp and 4 months with the 100 jets making 250-260hp. I have used the n2o many times and (crosses fingers), no problems yet.

It can be done for $1000. Not trying to lose you business but any competent person can research it and do it themselves. <i></i>

Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - hayabusa - 18-09-2005

Here is one going now for $300US with one day to go. Comes with everything.

cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nitrous-Oxide-Kit-for-Suzuki-Hayabusa_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ10066QQitemZ4575209969QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW <i></i>

Re: $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike - hayabusa - 18-09-2005

Here is another great one, just source the bottle here, it will save on postage anyway.

cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nitrous-Express-Wet-Kit-Hayabusa-NO-RESERVE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35580QQitemZ4576165770QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW <i></i>

Ok - fasterfaster1 - 18-09-2005

Ok I see used kits ............fair call
I do have to ask but ................if you don't need a bottle warmer how do you get bottle up to pressure ? (both while running and or while jetting) especially here in good old sunny Victoria .........just curious is all.
As for taking business no probs there.............just like to make sure that people don't end up like I did in the intial entry to NOS .................sold a kit that was worthless and inefficient and apart from the bottle ended in the bin after two weeks and started again
FF1 <i></i>

Re: Ok - hayabusa - 18-09-2005

Easy answer to the bottle warmer question. Any cold day in Victoria is generally a day with patches of rain etc. I follow this rule - DONT USE THE NITROUS

But seriously I do only use it when on long rides and somewhere where the road is deserted, long and straight. It's obviously not for lights to lights racing. (That's what the purge is for )

I'm only on those roads when the temp is generally 25 degrees or hotter and in the middle of the day with the sun beating down on the hump the lowest pressure I get is around 900psi and the highest 1050. I know it's not racing consistency but I'm not racing.

The good thing about nitrous that at 900psi it will run slightly rich, not lean. I generally wait to it gets over 950 though.

In addition to that I know where you can get a warmer for $70. <i></i>

Hold On - fasterfaster1 - 19-09-2005

Quote:But seriously I do only use it when on long rides and somewhere where the road is deserted, long and straight. It's obviously not for lights to lights racing. (That's what the purge is for )

You are indeed wise
Each kit should come with a set of velcro gloves
FF1 <i></i>

Re: Hold On - hayabusa - 19-09-2005

I will give you a laugh though. Picture me at the dyno with my bottles sitting in some freshly boiled water watching the gauges. <i></i>