RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - MrsTonysEvilTwin - 30-10-2007
Yup another day working for the man or woman or whatever
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Gnarbunkle99 - 30-10-2007
Not this little black duck.
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - NEMESIS - 30-10-2007
Yep,took it off,going for a ride!
f*** this life!
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - NEMESIS - 30-10-2007
Hey man nice shot ;)
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - HD DUDE - 30-10-2007
Just checkin in.
By the way - Humpty didn't fall............... He was pushed.
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - MrsTonysEvilTwin - 30-10-2007
Yeah!!! Home now. Studying my butt off now why do I do it????
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Gnarbunkle99 - 30-10-2007
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Mutha - 31-10-2007
Happy Hump Day PEOPLE!
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Gnarbunkle99 - 31-10-2007
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - NEMESIS - 31-10-2007
Shes guilty by design...
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - NEMESIS - 31-10-2007
And don't be afraid to expose yourself
before I shut you down
you made some changes since the fires caught you sleeping...
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - Gnarbunkle99 - 31-10-2007
Friggin rain.
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - LOAFIE - 31-10-2007
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - LOAFIE - 31-10-2007
RE: The useless bits of info see if we can make a million posts thread - arthur dunga - 31-10-2007
i've applied for a kabab van licence,that many people visiting when i'm not home