Clubmate Down... - Printable Version

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RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 24-12-2013

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:They didn't have to open up Timothy's arm. They decided the elbow was stable enough. He has a brace on it. Set at 45 degrees, will adjust it each week. They said the elbow was stiff, so they manipulated it while under anesthetic. Tomorrow morning he goes back to Epworth. I asked him if he remembers who visited yesterday, he said Damian. Very good sign. Keeps asking when can he go home? And wants me to get bike catalogues. I'm not happy. His father says he will get another.

RE: Clubmate Down... - DjPete - 24-12-2013

RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 25-12-2013

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:Had Christmas lunch at the Beniston's, thank you. Timothy is doing great, he's almost back to his old self. He's getting bored and wants us to kidnap him. The nurse said that she thinks that he is almost out of PTA. Wonderful.
Had a visit from Heidi Pritchard from NSW, thanks for taking the time to see him. Thanks to Jenny Paul Robinson for his frog. He said he would love for you to massage his scalp. Best wishes to all.
Drive carefully tomorrow as the roads will be very busy

RE: Clubmate Down... - captainrob - 25-12-2013

How good is that !
Great news.
Nice to end Christmas Day (even on a ship) with news like that.
I reckon he'll be right now; standard repair job now, I hope.
But pretty scary times, and all caused by some arsehole who didn't take a few seconds to look first.

RE: Clubmate Down... - DjPete - 26-12-2013


RE: Clubmate Down... - captainrob - 26-12-2013

Good luck to you both!
Ya both look great!

RE: Clubmate Down... - jamdonut - 26-12-2013

Awesome, keep up the spirit.

RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 26-12-2013

(26-12-2013, 09:15am)captainrob Wrote:
(26-12-2013, 08:50am)DjPete Wrote:
Good luck to you both!
Ya both look great!

That's our club member Heidi from ACT she will keep Tim inline Knuppel2

RE: Clubmate Down... - captainrob - 26-12-2013

Well that would make anybody feel better straight away!
Good onya, Heidi!

RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 27-12-2013

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:Spent another afternoon with Timothy. He's definitely almost back. He's getting very bored. Next week they'll start more intensive physio. He keeps asking us to sneak him out. Once he's in a different ward he will be able to have TV. Soon I hope

RE: Clubmate Down... - GRUNTMAX - 27-12-2013

You look after him Heidi, you know what to do. Looks a bit better than I did, mind you, appearance is not everything.

He'll be going back fishing soon by the looks of it.
I see captainrob is flying the "Black Flag" again today.


RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 29-12-2013

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:Another afternoon with Timothy. He is like a stuck record. Keeps wanting to be released from prison (his words). Also wanting real food. Has to still have pureed food, due to broken jaw. Wanted me to get a Whopper, I said I could get one, but I would have to put it in a blender. When the nurse came in, I said that he is very bored. He said that Timothy can go into the day room and read the paper, watch a little TV and have a cup of coffee. Took him 10 seconds to get up. Only lasted 10 minutes before he got tired. Said he doesn't think he's sleeping as much as he was during the day, but doesn't remember lunch arriving. Suddenly it was there. (methinks that he was asleep)

RE: Clubmate Down... - GRUNTMAX - 29-12-2013

Grunter, you need to focus mate. This thread is about Timmy and us giving him the support while he gets better mate.

If you feel a diatribe like this coming on, please pm me personally so I can assist you with the appropriate place to put it mate.

Thanks for the consideration fella. And your continuing thoughts for Timmy.



RE: Clubmate Down... - DjPete - 29-12-2013

Just back from a 20 min visit with Tim. Delivered the card from us all. Heidi was right, he is remarkably alert, his sense of humour is back too. He seemed like old Tim to me but it's still early days and I was not there for long. He even got up and walked quite well to the sitting room. First thing he talked about was getting another bike. He already had his mum bringing in some bike magazines and has some bike posters up on the wall compliments of his local Suzuki dealer who were concerned for him.
.. So good to see his recovery going so well. Go Tim, was great to see and hear you again today.


RE: Clubmate Down... - ROD - 29-12-2013

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:Timothy had Pete Zawaki visit today. We'll find out tomorrow if they think he's out or close to out of PTA. He asked me to bring his wallet in so he could bribe the doctor to let him out. I said that he doesn't have enough money. Hopefully he'll be able to have weekend outings soon