the clubs gone to the dogs - Printable Version

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RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - Astro - 06-08-2007

Heidi1 Wrote:SHIT YEAH! Bikes, windows, floors....

Thats no dog. Its a rare breed of hairy hover rat. Its like a shower sponge with attitude.... all it needs is a mop handle shoved up its nether regions and you're in business ! You could be one of those people who offers to wash windscreens at intersections... "Hey Mr. .... let me clean your screen for $5 and I won't be forced to let my mop bite you!".

p.s. - Heidi, you know I'm just joshing!

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - Mutha - 06-08-2007

I think she's pretty cute, Heidi. Pi_thumbsup

Some nice pic's of people's pup's here. Smitten

I don't have a dog, but if I did, I would like this one. Lol3

DOG CHAPLIN, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLWp9zJTlz8

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - kawasuki - 06-08-2007

When all things seem to smoooth out on the forum and then
"Along comes Rockkett" I thought i sent the Russians down there to get rid of him. I will have to send the Tazmanians next time.
Wm Boobies4

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - daniel - 06-08-2007

'Mad Max'...fucken original that is...NOT!!!..
Your moniker blurb is racist and advocates violence; that'll do me!
Get a life!...or maybe...Learn to live and let live...
You are a complete and utter WANKER!!!! Clap

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - Taubusa - 06-08-2007

daniel Wrote:'Mad Max'...fucken original that is...NOT!!!..
Your moniker blurb is racist and advocates violence; that'll do me!
Get a life!...or maybe...Learn to live and let live...
You are a complete and utter WANKER!!!! Clap

Comments like yours are NOT appreciated around here. f*** Off Idiot2

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - daniel - 06-08-2007

Taub...tell me why

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - daniel - 06-08-2007

This is THE best AUS. site going around for afficiados!!!
The moment anyone dissents from the party line...they're lepers!
Go figure...

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - daniel - 06-08-2007

I'm not wanted round here?
I couldn't agree more...I would like to discuss our differences...you 'hit and ran'...am still on...

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - ausdragbike - 06-08-2007

Jeez mate 18 posts and your already having a hissy fit?

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - Astro - 06-08-2007

Daniel... of course you are wanted around here.

Tell you what. When you've....

been a member here for years,
posted thousands of times,
become known and respected for your contribution to the group,
helped organise events,
given more than you've taken,
learned to ride a busa anywhere near as well as the man you're vilifying,
been a mate who's put himself out for others,
put your life on the line for your country and for people who can't defend themselves

...when you get to that point and some breeze-by heaps shit on you, then I'll stand up for you like I'm standing up for Max.

Until then, understand that one set of posts does not constitute the man and you know nothing about the man.

This is a community. You are part of it. You're wanted, everybody is welcome.

Max is no angel, but like everyone here he deserves a little respect.

So, stick around long enough to build a reputation like the one described above. Then, if anyone heaps shit on you, we'll back you up. Fair deal?

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - Madmax - 06-08-2007

My monica is supposed to be all it is.

Thank you.

And the rest of you bastards, I had NOTHING to do with his hissy fit, okay!! Roll

Max - I even got the Tasmanian flag thing going!

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - Madmax - 06-08-2007


Part hovercraft, part bad 80s hairstyle. What could possibly go wrong. Glan has come up with a new use for her.

Guys, I have been attacked by this short stuff, cut-off-at-the-knees-runt, she's dangerous!!! As you try to get in through the side gate, she's right onya!


RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - ROD - 06-08-2007

Gee daniel your on board just over a week and your abusing people and trying to cause friction Go for a ride you might feel better tommorow :aussie

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - Dan85 - 06-08-2007

heres an idea daniel, show some respect. it makes no difference whether a man has done this or that (not taking anything away from you Max) everyone deserves respect. now who are you and why do you think it is your right to burst in on a subject you have absolutly no idea about.......unless of course you have an idea through another means or perhaps you got your self a busa and because of that you think your the big dick now? well you would be right you are a big DICK, dickhead that is. unless of course im wrong and your a long standing member who secretly has the respect of everyone on the board allowing you to make comments as such and im the only fool who doesnt know you. do me a favour change your name cause such an "utter wanker" as your self doesnt deserve such a prestigious name.

oh and Heidi it looks like a killer to me.....until you realise its only about the size of a fully grown hampster

RE: the clubs gone to the dogs - mechanx - 06-08-2007

Ha daniel ,you low life peice of shit ,take your bike and f*** off . TOSSER .are you a mate of raz?