Levers - Printable Version

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RE: Levers - Dubs - 25-01-2008



RE: Levers - kawasuki - 25-01-2008

Ruben i hope your old man gets some kickback on the back door deals
But as time goes on the larger importers who do buy 100+ units of whatever will stop the US dealers sending to Australia and then when this happens blokes like yourself WILL be paying premium prices, u think its ok now to rattle off some prices u get off your daddy ,but as i said when it stops then what?

RE: Levers - HD DUDE - 25-01-2008

OK - here's my 2 cents worth from a most recent experience.…….

What would you say if someone set up a great deal for you? I was in the market for a K8 Busa 2 days ago. I rang this dude up & asked him if he thought he could help me with a good deal as I had seen a post late last year on this site along these lines. Anyway this dude says “leave it with me & I’ll get straight back to ya”. Within 30 minuets I get a phone call. Ol mate says “Hey dude, I have got you a Black K8 organized if you want it. Brand new with 12 month rego. Total price is $17,000.00 ride away.” I go dude that is a great price, when can we get it done? Today if you want, you just say the word he tells me. So this guy phones back the dealer for me & gets the Pre Delivery started & firms up the deal. I get this guys address & I jump in the car & get my but over to his home & pick him up & off we go to the dealer. By the time we get there the bike is pre delivered with a massive 6 km on the clock. I get introduced to the dealer by Ol mate & we get the paperwork started. Give all my details to the dealer & the bike gets set up with 12 months rego, new plate fitted & in my name ready to go. Took about 1 ½ hours to finish all the crap paperwork that needs to get done when buying a new bike. I took a look at the figures on my receipt & the huge discounts stick out like dogs balls. All this time Ol mate is just bumbing around waiting for the deal to get sorted. Now in the interest of keeping this whole post transparent this is how the payment goes. Ol mate pays the dealer the $17K on the spot via credit card. I write Ol mate a cheque (yeah that’s right a cheque) for 17K on the spot. There is a piece of paper which is signed by the dealer, by Ol mate & by me to keep it all legal & above board about who is paying who for the bike & so on. I still get the contract/order form all filled out in my name as the purchaser from the dealer. Ol mate writes out a receipt that he has his $17K from me. Then Ol mate organizes a ride home from the bike shop by his missus My vehicle is driven home by one of my employees & I ride away on a stinkin new K8. Every one very happy. You see the dealer gets a sale with non of the BS, Ol mate get a shit load of fly buys on his card & I get a deal & a half on a new busa. Every ones a winner.

Now this wont work without the time & effort offered at now charge by Ol mate. So here is his contact details if you ever want & new bike & the absolute best price around all above board & squeaky clean.

1300hayabusa – Ruben 0424 800 999.

For what ever reason there are some on here that don’t like the way Ruben comes across. Let’s face it he is a passionate dude (understatement). But from what I found with this deal I have no problem with the way it went down & the guys at the dealership were all spot on too. They try & get all the after sales stuff like accessories & insurance & all the stuff. I skipped all that so they really dipped out with me. Let’s face it with this deal there mustn’t be much in it for them. But they must be happy with getting the number on the board so I’ll go with that.

RE: Levers - HD DUDE - 25-01-2008

Oh yeah - I forgot to add this bit. As I suit up to ride this new K8 away from the dealer I see the fuel is damn low. Real low. Wasn't going to complain though after this deal. But the worst bit is I have left my wallet in my damn car which was on it’s way home & I’m sitting there with a 50km ride home & no cash & no fuel. So Ol mate Ruben pulls out a $50 & slings it my way. “Pay me back next time you see me” he says. I haven't added this post just to prop him up. His is the way it went down. It deserves a mention.................

RE: Levers - 1300hayabusa - 25-01-2008

kawasuki Wrote:Ruben i hope your old man gets some kickback on the back door deals (inuendo) You are assuming that he would do this for moneyLol2But as time goes on the larger importers who do buy 100+ units of whatever will stop the US dealers sending to Australia and then when this happens blokes like yourself WILL be paying premium prices premium prices are paid by those who are not well informed and/or not shown another choice by dealers/suppliers who scare & round up customers like sheep to the slaughter house , u think its ok now to rattle off some prices u get off your daddy not my daddy but most probably your supplierCoolsmiley ,but as i said when it stops then what?
Any company in the US or Europe would be honoured to deal with my father due to his business experience,military recognitions and having owned 4 transmision shops,3 carpet stores & a business consultancy company and 2 drinking establishments I think that your "then what" is not arguable anymore.You persist in your ignorance and think that I am a seller of some sort and to put it bluntly I/we dont need to sell anything to make money.I do this cause I love it and there is no monetary gain for me as a few of you have found out.

On a personal note,
your sarcasm in regards to my father and I just goes to show how you percieve a father and son bond or for that matter family bonding.By the looks of things you dont have one with your son and the only thing you have in COMMON is money and business.Im assuming that the reason he is always up ones ass with his comments is due to the fact that if you droped dead......... you know how that goes ray inheritance,money ,venom.................Very sad considering that you live not far apart like me and my old man

RE: Levers - Bill Gaheer - 25-01-2008

HI HD Dude,

Thats a great deal you got because of Ruben, Congratulations for working as a team...

Enjoy your K8

RE: Levers - spamanglenn - 25-01-2008

when you buy a toyota spare part,you buy it from a toyota dealer or someone who buys it off the toyota dealer.This does cost more than you want to pay but if you want it you save for it.The network of support and backup is priced into the parts cost and the dealers who have invested in becoming part of that network make a viable living.The MANUFACTURER protects this network as he knows the product service and support allows him to maintain a reputation on quality throughout the transaction and grow his business.With the aftermarket bike industry some manufacturers make some effort in establishing this but sell to retailers they have no power over,which makes it much harder to build the same quality of transaction.As mentioned bulk volume discounts are dished out to bigger distributors and retailers in bigger populated countries than to others(us).Some manufacturers must have salespeople on commission who pull all sorts of deals to get their monthly bonuses and deals of disbelief pop up now and then.So now you have a purchasing environment that is basically a free for all.All agreements for dealership or sole distributorship aren,t worth toilet paper.Often US distributor(not retailers) like tucker rocky can supply prices on 100,s of product lines better than you can buy from the manufacturer themselves as a dealer or distributor.Then hey presto over night your selling 100 product lines cheaper than a local dealer without ever having spoken to any manufacturers.Overnight your an internet bike shop,and the manufacturer may slap tucker rocky on the wrist but can,t do a thing about where their dealers sell.This is the manufacturers own fault when the dealer network setup arcs up about being under sold and having no margins to sell with.Having one price for one country and another for another country destroys any possible chance of having dealership level product support within the new market their trying to grow in.As has been obviously put people today often will pick price over service otherwise china would be broke.Anybody can hook up with some US dealers and do some cheap freight deals and buy things from the US real cheap.It won,t hurt america one bit,but you starve those business here which will die and purely become an ebay $2 bin.This may well happen as the nature of the dollar rules.So yes everbody get things cheaper but what if theres a problem?If it were made in china you,d say shit its so cheap i,ll just buy another.But even if bike parts are cheap they still cost alot.If there is zero local product support i can,t see that being a better purchasing environment.Dealing back and forth with an overseas supplier is time consuming and frustrating and not all products are faultless.The buyer has that choice which is great.Unfortunately one choice kills the other in a small market such as australia.i make these points about australian dealers in general and have discussed this with them.I do not seek to push the barrel about any product lines in particular and is a general point about the australian market and get annoyed of accusations otherwise.I run my own business and do not earn any income from easyrider imports nor do i need to.Any assistance of product support has never been charged nor will be.I like bikes, and the nice bits that go on them.I have always been loyal and honest and have made some true friends and met some not so good people.Until recently i,ve seen dads business work alongside many businesses successfully and everyone wins.I do this successfully in my own business.everyone makes a living.Bringing over the antics from america to australia was perhaps inevitable however unsavoury i thought of it.Water finds the lowest point.This aint america though and we don,t have 300million people to prop up businesses on 5-10% margins.So some people will win for 5 minutes extending these prices direct to australia but i wouldn,t give up your day job.If some sees this as feathering my nest they need to do their homework. I,d sooner fix a spa anyday.Others have a different point of view but that doesn,t make one right or wrong.We all have our own standards in business and mine have held me in good stead with my repeat customer base.I do work for a guy sometimes who has very different ethics and is a very agressive seller.Alot of people hate his guts and he make lots of money.each to their own,he always pays me.So all this crap is pretty new news to me and may shake up a large percentage of the aftermaket industry,whats to stop it when the retailers are often bigger than the manufacturers.Look at coles and woollies power over the manufacturers of their shelf items.Puppets on a string.:aussie

RE: Levers - ROD - 26-01-2008

ok this is enough someone is selling some leavers and you have all jumped on and Hijacked if you want to buy or get some more info on the leavers then post but if you have something else to say send a pm
As the good man said

PS next crap post will be deleted

RE: Levers - g bus66 - 07-03-2008

i 2 have had a few dealings with ruben
every time i ask 4 something he always has best price
i just shop around like every 1 should Grouphug

RE: Levers - ausdragbike - 07-03-2008

Im after a set of Pazzo's for my Busa, whats the bottom Aus $$$ delivered to my door? Oh yeah i want them within 2 weeks from today.

RE: Levers - NEMESIS - 08-03-2008

ausdragbike Wrote:Im after a set of Pazzo's for my Busa, whats the bottom Aus $$$ delivered to my door? Oh yeah i want them within 2 weeks from today.

Il second to that,same deal for me Coolsmiley