Stupid things you've done...Add yours here - Printable Version

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lecky idiot too... - Throwdown - 04-08-2006

When fitting a voltmetrer to the bike, kept connecting the earth to the live terminal of the bike.

wheel idiot... - Throwdown - 04-08-2006

Also, fitted the rear wheel of the bike without the spacer, thought it was a bit stiff, THEN took it on a 16km test ride. (Did this twice, and still regularly fit the wheel without a spacer, but don't ride on them anymore).

Anyone want me to work on their bike?

Re: Idiots everywhere - m8ee - 04-08-2006

My uncle is a sparky and when I was a kid (about 16) I helped him install temporary power to a dump construction site. The only buildings on site were 3 site sheds. I had no site helmet and went up to the dunny shed and was confronted by the site safety officer. We had a chat and things got a bit heated, eventually I told him I didn't need a helmet cause there were only 3 sheds on the whole fucken site, the rest of the joint was flat dirt. He grabbed a helmet and made me put it on, I did, and called him a dickhead one last time, turned on my heel, and stormed off - headfirst into the airconditioner hanging off the side of the site shed.

I can still hear his laughter to this day.

Stupid thing Boss done! - Djpete - 05-08-2006

I'm about 17 working as an apprentice motor mechanic at Manual Automatics in Johnston St Fitzroy...
I was to wash the floors up stairs with solvent (Fuckin higly inflamable!!!) as we normally did.
Just finished the whole floor and the Boss comes up and passes through to his office...(ALLEGEDLY smoking...ALLEGEDLY)
Next thing I know the whole floor goes up in flames. Flames initially so high it singes my hair, eyebrows and all!
I go into panic as I see my leg is on fire.
Thanks god I thought quick and ran down stairs and found a hose and got my pants out.

But the Boss and the Secretary are STILL up there!!!

I'm screaming out "Manual and the Sec ARE still up there!!!
The fire by this stage is out of control and looking nasty.

Finally ambulance, firetrucks come...still no MAnual and Sec....I am very depressed by now as well as in shock and think THEY are GONE! There was no other way out.

But there was...they had punched through a thin partition wall to the shared building next door which had a front stairwell to come down.

The upstairs floor was complete right off in the end and the Biz moved to new location.

I was front page of the Sun getting put in the ambulance with the wrong heading boy saves Boss or something...seriously!

Off work for 3 months...had the scars for about 10 years on my leg and nightmares for a while too.

The stupid thing I did was not sue or go for workers comp...would have made a squilion.

My fav song at gigs is still Hot Hot Hot!


Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!Edited by: Djpete  at: 5/8/06 10:13 am

Im a dickhead. - oldmanbusa - 05-08-2006

How's this,blew low beam so off comes plastic under front,all good.Have a bit of a feel & find light,pull plug off all good.What's this,i feel a spring.How does that work i say to myself.I feel a screw so what does this dickhead do,undoes it & spring falls out not good.Out comes globe in goes new,how the _ _ _ _ does this spring fit back in.Cant see so have a fiddle & the said spring fell inside the light unit didnt it.Holly crap,so out comes dash & i can see now.Long nose pliers retrieve spring & put back togeather.
We all learn from our mistakes i hope.Anyone need a hand to change globes im your man!

Re: Im a dickhead. - demeester - 08-08-2006

It's all gold, Jerry, pure gold!!

Stupid is... - tonyburgess660 - 08-08-2006

Walking up behind somebody holding an oxytorch and giving them a fright.

Talk about Dances with Coat on Fire. You don't know how flammable material is until you actually set them alight. Must make sure the instructor is out of said coat first aye. Needless to say I only scraped in a pass for oxywelding. Arc welding safer for both me and everybody else involved.

Mrs Tony at Polytech (NZ's equivalent of TAFE) 19 at the time.

Re: Stupid is... - DrHuxtable - 08-08-2006

took a bunch of patients on an outing to a stage show and forgot one that had gone to the toilet, drove 68 miles back to the hospital and only realised when his brother came to visit.

that was years ago though. i'm older and wiser now

buy the way, he made it back with a little help from the local sherrif Dorothy

Dumb and Dumber - TYCHO - 11-08-2006

My beautiful, smart, ever so sexy girlfriend just showed me how to keep myself logged in here. After weeks of having to log in before each message, I can now stay logged in. Damn, she's good. Tycho
R&B Bussa

Stupid things you've done...Add yours here - kawasuki - 11-08-2006

Many years ago.... While passenger in the rear of a ute on a shooting trip(pissed of course) my mate give me a gob full so I shot the VB can (full) out of his hand while we were moving.Then the driver went crazy on the dirt track sliding the ute near trees and he wouldnt stop so i put a bullet through his rear window(he stopped). Cheers,

Re: Stupid things you've done...Add yours here - Maggot1300 - 11-08-2006

anyone else not want to get on Rays bad side now?

Re: Stupid things you've done...Add yours here - MechanX - 11-08-2006

i sure thats not all he shot through the rear.

Re: Stupid things you've done...Add yours here - AstroBusa - 11-08-2006

sudden new heightened level of respect for Ray

For future reference.... anyone leading a ride who notices Ray would like to overtake.... LET HIM ! The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob

Re: Stupid things you've done...Add yours here - simmo - 11-08-2006

Well that is a bloody BIG gun he carries's around town with him..
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!

Re: Stupid things you've done...Add yours here - BUSGO - 11-08-2006

When I was in the Air Force it always paid to have a copy of
"Soldier of Fortune" on the desk at performance appraisel time.

I think Kawasuki must be a subscriber too


I'm not using it anyway!