Bike Nite @ WSID - 6th Sept - Printable Version

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sponsor - spamanglenn - 03-09-2006

Hooters <i></i>

Re: sponsor - Speedzalot - 04-09-2006

Oh please let it be HOOTERS

Arguing with idiots is like wrestling a pig in the mud, you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!<i></i>

Re: sponsor - highwaybruiser - 04-09-2006

Hmmm....didn't know it was "bike night." I'm gunna be out there with a few guys from my car club. I'll keep an eye out for a bunch of Hayabusas I guess. Do you guys tend to congregate in a particular spot? I'm not sure how it all works out there- haven't been to the new track yet. Wazza.

I've stared death in the face....he turned and walked away.<i></i>

Re: sponsor - Speedzalot - 04-09-2006

All the bikes group up to one side of the cars so you cant miss us, just look for the guys with the huge grins

Arguing with idiots is like wrestling a pig in the mud, you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!<i></i>

Re: sponsor - simmo - 04-09-2006

Its going to be huge I have talked a couple of newbies in also
If anyone one is coming from Canberra or the country I'll put you up for the night and just like the Guys & Gals from Canberra I'll shoult you a couple of Too, trust me you will have a ball
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>

Re: sponsor - Dee - 05-09-2006

Hey all,

Hope you all have a great time.

I have a meeting on, so I am unable to make it, but it would be great if someone could jump on here before they go to bed and let us know how it all went.

Cant wait to see the results.
The track should still be sticky from the weekend so hopefully traction won't be a problem for anyone.

Lets hope we see some figures that start with 9.

Have fun
Cheers Dee <i></i>

Re: sponsor - Blackzook - 05-09-2006

Good luck everyone hope you have a great night with a heap of runs.

Simmo give it the shit mate you can do it.

Wish I was there sob Bruce
N2O no laughing matter

Re: sponsor - simmo - 05-09-2006

Thanks Bruce I'll give it my best, I don't care if I get tossed out if I can pin it, it will be worth it
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>

BLOODY RAIN!!!! - highwaybruiser - 06-09-2006

Typical! In the middle of a frikkin' drought, water restrictions abound, the very first time I plan on dragging my arse to the new WSID track, I get a call from a mate who's just got his car through scrutineering only to hear the announcement that the night is cancelled due to the rain.

I can understand bikes not drag racing in the rain, kinda. [I've had wheelspin on the Newcastle Freeway at 180km/h in the wet] But I've never seen anyone fall out of their car when things get a little hairy. It's only street cars for Christ's sake, not Top Fuellers, Funnycars & Doorslammers! So, the times won't be up there...or should that be "down" there? ALL other forms of motorsport still go on when its a little bit wet. Half the cars out there were probably AWD's like WRX's & the like anyhow.

Oh well, shit happens. Looks like the guys from the car club are keen to try again on the 27th. Might see you guys there then, ay? Wazza.

I've stared death in the face....he turned and walked away.<i></i>

Re: BLOODY RAIN!!!! - simmo - 06-09-2006

All I can say is I was asked to leave thanks for the support Guys & Gals
Ali will post the next Bike Night
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>

Re: BLOODY RAIN!!!! - Dee - 06-09-2006

Sorry to hear about it being called off.

I was looking forward to comeing home from my meeting and finding out the Simmo had run his first 9 sec pass. Oh well I will just have to wait for the next one.

Cheers Dee <i></i>

Re: BLOODY RAIN!!!! - simmo - 06-09-2006

Thanks Dee, talk about putting the pressure on
I should look at that ANDRA licence thingie
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>

Re: BLOODY RAIN!!!! - Blackzook - 06-09-2006

That sucks mate keep practicing on the back roads and you will smash it next time.
N2O no laughing matter

Re: Bike Nite @ WSID - 6th Sept - Ali 600 - 06-09-2006

What a shame it rained :-(

It was great to catch up with my Busa Buddies again though. You guys are prob the friendliest bunch out there :-) Nice to meet you Speedsalot.

I'm feeling very positive that 'Bike Night @ WSID' will be BIG once it stops raining. I counted about 25 bikes tonight on a RAINY night....think about how many would have come if there was no rain.

Next Bike Nite is scheduled for 4th October but I know there will be lots going out next week and the week after. Ill be there the week after and we may run the prizes if there are enough bikes there (I'm going to PI this time next week with the www.bikeme.tv team). <i>Edited by: Ali 600 at: 6/9/06 11:43 pm

Re: BLOODY RAIN!!!! - Dee - 06-09-2006

Hey Bruce,

Have you been doing any racing over there?

Cheers Dee <i></i>