STREETBIKE SHOOTOUT @ WSID 1/3/06 - Printable Version

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Re: Blackkat's red bike - Blackzook - 03-03-2006

Cas I understand what you are saying but I still strongly disagree. I dont want to run all over the country. I dont want to run andra sanctioned events. I dont want to dracket race. Im a street rider and all I want to do is run Wednesday nights to the best of my abilities and that of my stock street bike and Im happy to pay my $45.00 every week to do so. Why do I need to pay another 250-300 bucks get a medical and be inspected to run with the big boys when that is not my intent. I have been warned several times already for running under 10.5 and when they ban me they will lose a regular paying customer for ever.
I love the racing but hate being constrained by unrealistic rules.

You may see that this really PISSES ME OFF. Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson


Re: Blackkat's red bike - kawasuki - 03-03-2006

Some one's got the sheeeits. Cheers,

Re: Blackkat's red bike - Blackkat - 03-03-2006


Your 100% correct.

If your bike is pretty much stock (no arms, nos, turbos etc) then you should be able to take part without the added expense of lics etc.

When you ride home your still riding the same bike you just raced.

This sort of narrow mindedness is what turns people away to race on the streets.

If you don't yearn for andra competion then why should you have to pay for it?

Pan, Red and black maybe back!!!!

Leonard. <i></i>

Re: Not Happy Jan - simmo - 04-03-2006

Bruce 100 % correct, we are out for a good fun night and doing it off the road, the fact is most street bikes run 10 standard with a good rider on them, maybe WSID needs a petition or something otherwise they are going to start losing a lot of bikes in the 10.5-11 sec bracket, I can mostly only now make it now once a month on bike nights and I'm not getting a license for that with rained out nights and waiting on cars most of the night.
If they kick me out that will the end of my drag nights probably forever.

Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>

Re: Not Happy Jan - pan - 04-03-2006

100% Bruce!

Leonard, please let me know when you're planning on unleashing the red... I want it on video!

"losing faith in Suzuki"<i></i>

...and you thought Andy was weighing you down simmo ! - AstroBusa - 04-03-2006

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob <i></i>

Re: ...and you thought Andy was weighing you down simmo ! - simmo - 04-03-2006

Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>

Re: ...and you thought Andy was weighing you down simmo ! - loverustler - 04-03-2006

hey its a good thing i stopped bringing the block of flats

Sooner or later they would of banned me too

Playing" we will rock you" down the 1/4 mile in cruise control, with those fast times i was doin(i forgot exactly )

Mark <i></i>

Simmo !!!!!! - Sumkhun - 04-03-2006

Quote ; If they kick me out that will the end of my drag nights probably forever

What about the Mardi Gras ????????????????


Re: Simmo !!!!!! - Blackzook - 05-03-2006

With a name like mine of course the mardi gras is a given. Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson


Re: Simmo !!!!!! - kawasuki - 05-03-2006

Levers are in Bwuce. Cheers,

Re: Simmo !!!!!! - Blackzook - 05-03-2006

Andra changes may be in the works.

australiandragbike.com.au....php?t=551 Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson


Re: Simmo !!!!!! - simmo - 06-03-2006

Quote:Quote ; If they kick me out that will the end of my drag nights probably forever
Well once a year anyway

Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>

Found a few more Pictures!! - andycool - 08-03-2006

Look at the Blur!!!
Is this is where I pipped you on the line Simmo???

Great Pictures!!!


Andrew :)<i>Edited by: andycool&nbsp; at: 8/3/06 6:00 am

Re: Found a few more Pictures!! - AstroBusa - 08-03-2006

Andy.... great shot.... makes an interesting sig.... you like ?

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i></i>