The Gen2 1441 build - Printable Version

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RE: The Gen2 1441 build - fasterfaster - 12-12-2009

Bruce ............... thank you for the opportunity to play with some thing new ............... always a fun and rewarding experience. One does have to add here that it was a pleasure to work on a bike so well prepared. Given Leonards as usual meticulous attention to detail and quality of work it made the tuning aspect of it a pleasure. In this day and age one can't help but respect good workmanship when one comes across it. This together with no corners cut during it's build makes it one trick bike.
Also would have to agree there is more in it and would call it a genuine 230 Hp bike when it free's up.
Note >>>>>>> Bigfoot rest assured it's got a 2 in front of it Yes

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - abusa - 12-12-2009

You might be reading Torque there Bigfoot

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - BLACKZOOK - 12-12-2009

Bigfoot Roll yep 224 is the correct number with more to come once run in, the important thing is to look at the comparison between the three bikes on the same dyno. The gen 1 and gen 2 shown have the normal mods, pipe, filter, pair valve, airbox etc and are tuned by a fastidious professional.

This motor as Leonard said is conservative, it will be used as a daily commuter from the western suburbs of Syney into St Leonards round trip of approx 90k most of it spent at idle lane splitting on the M2. It has to be reliable.

Spec's are - no bullshit or teasing now.

Stock bottom end no changes at all
Cams as shown in first post
Pistons and block as shown in first post
Head cleaned up properly not a full money is no object job
Stock valves, guides and retainers played with but stock components
Stock starting system 12v no issue on a gen 2
No addition to the ecu reflashed only- no power commander

Parts suppled by a relaible source who does his job and follows up on promises.

Motor built by someone who knows what he is doing not trying to up sell you on parts or extra stuff you must have

Tuned by someone who is dedicated to getting the best out of what you have.

All three quoted a very fair price and did it for exactly for that amount. I offered each more money for a job well done and all three refused.

That is the secret of a good build choosing the best in Australia to do the work not secret stuff and mega bucks.

I have not added up all the cost but it would be in the $5,000 to $6,500 range all up.

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - bigfoot - 12-12-2009

thats a very reasonable price there bruce. thank god i got scared for a moment when it said 124 horsepower lol!!!

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - BikerBoy - 12-12-2009

Have been following this thread all the way, it's been a very interesting read.
The Hp and Torque results are impressive, especially considering being built for reliability, your daily use and pump fuel.
Must admit I was expecting a bigger cost figure though. I would have guessed around 8k.
Now you'll just need an endless supply of rear tyres. Have Fun!!!!

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - BLACKZOOK - 12-12-2009

(12-12-2009, 11:36pm)BikerBoy Wrote: Have been following this thread all the way, it's been a very interesting read.
The Hp and Torque results are impressive, especially considering being built for reliability, your daily use and pump fuel.
Must admit I was expecting a bigger cost figure though. I would have guessed around 8k.
Now you'll just need an endless supply of rear tyres. Have Fun!!!!

Thanks mate the numbers are low compared to some claims made on this site and on dot org. When I say pump fuel its BP ultimate only with 13 plus compression ratio, no detonation or pinging so far.

The dyno was setup for each run.

The gearing and actual speed were set
The altitude was set at zero
Ambient temperature was recorded and set for each run
Barometric pressuse was set for each run.

This was no multiple bike dyno day run.Pi_tongue

It would be interesting to do a comparison on another dyno agin other bikes.

Hey TEX how about a shop dyno day???? I'll bring the jaffa and the turbo

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - fasterfaster - 13-12-2009

To see the figures against a stock motor Gen II is impressive enough and in the real world watching it simply walk away under acceleration on the road would be even more so.
Just a note re parts as Bruce mentioned Abusa aka Shane aka Cyanide Racing certianly knows his stuff in sourcing the "special" bits, supplies at a realistic price and backs what he sells without question. Trophy
As said it's one sweet machine and if it hadn't been for those possum fryers on the mirrors I reckon I'd have tried a plate swap, for I'm sure Bruce wouldn't have noticed Coolsmiley

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - Legend - 13-12-2009

There's somthing about those lights eh Pete, you just want to rip them off Lol2 Lol2

Excellent job on the tuneup mate cant wait to have a ride!


RE: The Gen2 1441 build - Legend - 13-12-2009

(12-12-2009, 05:18pm)Resn8 Wrote: Leonard if you don't mind me asking, what does a build like that cost all up.

Pm sent!

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - NEMESIS - 13-12-2009

6,500 dollars...

I could of sworn i read somewhere earlier in this thread the build
was in excess of 10...

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - Streeter. - 13-12-2009

Whilst I have given up on quick streetbikes due to the backward thinking and money grabbing of Drag racing as a whole with regards to them, it is good to see an aspirated big bore showing some nice figures like that.

Nice work Leonard and it will be a nice thing Bruce.

What I would like to say is not trying to deflect or take away from your bike at all Bruce, merely a little point for a few people that I know will read this here.

My old EFE A/SB 1498cc would of made around the 230/235hp figure and maybe a little less FTLB figure. Was never dynoed but would of been about there. Engine bombed to the shithouse as far as the rules would allow, living on the edge at 17.5:1 comp ratio trying to lift the head off it at 12 000 RPM etc. A shit load more spent on it than what has been spent here to even come close to those figures, and a constant maintanence program to try and keep it together. C14+ race fuel or it would of killed itself before it even finished doing the burnout. Lots of development to say the least, and some of that was done when I took over the bike already.

So to those that cried and sooked all the time and had a big attitude towards my bike and what it acheived, and to the person that has posted here that suggested to me old school bikes should be banned from G2 streetbikes as they will never be able to be beaten when the bike set the national record, may just like to study this thread and see the potential that the new school bikes have if your are willing and serious about wanting to do it.

Bruce can still road ride his around and pull into a servo, for around the same HP figures with more potential. Try riding my old EFE around the streets even at standard height. Can't be done!!

Slam Bruces bike and "ride it" and it would take the national record. You see thats what happens when you want to make a commitment and want something bad enough, instead of sooking about someone else and the bike they ride because you think they can never be beaten, rules etc.

Have fun with it Bruce.

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - Camel - 13-12-2009

Fantastic outcome. Very impressive figures.

Pete, you've shown how EE2 is the only tool to use when tuning a bike to get the most from its modifications. You're the Master!


RE: The Gen2 1441 build - Legend - 13-12-2009

(13-12-2009, 03:28pm)Streeter. Wrote: Whilst I have given up on quick streetbikes due to the backward thinking and money grabbing of Drag racing as a whole with regards to them, it is good to see an aspirated big bore showing some nice figures like that.

Nice work Leonard and it will be a nice thing Bruce.

What I would like to say is not trying to deflect or take away from your bike at all Bruce, merely a little point for a few people that I know will read this here.

My old EFE A/SB 1498cc would of made around the 230/235hp figure and maybe a little less FTLB figure. Was never dynoed but would of been about there. Engine bombed to the shithouse as far as the rules would allow, living on the edge at 17.5:1 comp ratio trying to lift the head off it at 12 000 RPM etc. A shit load more spent on it than what has been spent here to even come close to those figures, and a constant maintanence program to try and keep it together. C14+ race fuel or it would of killed itself before it even finished doing the burnout. Lots of development to say the least, and some of that was done when I took over the bike already.

So to those that cried and sooked all the time and had a big attitude towards my bike and what it acheived, and to the person that has posted here that suggested to me old school bikes should be banned from G2 streetbikes as they will never be able to be beaten when the bike set the national record, may just like to study this thread and see the potential that the new school bikes have if your are willing and serious about wanting to do it.

Bruce can still road ride his around and pull into a servo, for around the same HP figures with more potential. Try riding my old EFE around the streets even at standard height. Can't be done!!

Slam Bruces bike and "ride it" and it would take the national record. You see thats what happens when you want to make a commitment and want something bad enough, instead of sooking about someone else and the bike they ride because you think they can never be beaten, rules etc.

Have fun with it Bruce.

Well said Pete!

The old school competitiveness seems to have vanished over the years and it seems racers expect results and acolades handed to them on a silver plater without the hard work!


RE: The Gen2 1441 build - fasterfaster - 13-12-2009

Hey Mark ............... appreciated but as for the master ??? I don't believe there is one master Coolsmiley
This project has achieved the results it has with a combined effort of many heads put together, from Leonard, Shane Bruce and Maj and I'm sure a few in the background I fail to mention. If I had a dollar for every time I rang Maj and bounced some ideas of him .............. I reckon could / should nearly put him on wages. Lol2 The point is to me between the combined effort of all involved there is not much if any that hasn't been tried and tested some where along the line. Then we can thank Petrik for the software Boost By Smith for the hardware and so the list does go on.
Hence I therefore say congrats to all involved for a great result, a result that impresses me enough to seriously think of doing my own.
Since Bruce's and a 1570 Pi_freak I did the day before for a well know identity here, it has certianly given me a healthy respect for all motor bikes ............. given the Police and it's attitude to turbo's here in sunny Qld it's certianly a "stealth" way of having that extra grunt not visible to the eye Pi_thumbsup

RE: The Gen2 1441 build - abusa - 13-12-2009

Streeter if you have something to say to me, pick up the phone and call or ask me aside at the track next time you see me to air it, not on a forum. My details are easily found but here they are again. Mobile 04 02 04 6267 or shayne@cyanideracing.com.au if you would rather.

If its a problem with my work with ANDRA, contact SQ DC with a formal complaint. As part of the ANDRA constitution that I am bound by, the SQ DC are required to follow up. Christine Steffens Mobile 0419 019 236 or Christine_dd@uq.net.au

If you feel that it wouldnt be handled appropriately contact Head Office. Tony Thornton 08 8271 5355 or tony.thornton@andra.com.au

Apologises to Bruce and those following this thread.
