Will You Be Attending The Moto-GP Member Meet & Greet???
Yes!!! (i've booked accomodation and I'll be there for the meet & greet)
BikerBoy, Busa Boy, LOAFIE, bazman, donovandon100, rjw3105
6 37.50%
Maybe? (i'm keen but i'm still trying to get a leave pass)
FastPhil, Lucky 85, MrBusa, PostmanPete, ROD, daaef, hopper, 1 Guest
8 50.00%
No, I can't make it there this year.
Diablo, 1 Guest
2 12.50%
No, I'm going this year but I don't wanna meet up with u bunch of twats!
0 0%
Total: 16 vote(s) 100%