New Reputation System
How It Works.
If you cause trouble other Members can give you a negative point.
If you make up for it and do the right thing they can remove that point by giving you a positive point.
Only 1 point per Member per day.

The system is called your Reputation.

To allocate a point click on the small number below the persons avatar at the end of the word "Reputation" and follow instructions from there.

If admins see that your reputation score has gone over -10 then you may be banned for a week at any time that suits the Admin Team. The end decision will always be made by Admin after looking at the entire situation with as little bias as possible.

In other words if you see your reputation going into the negative your mates are trying to tell you to pull your head in and stop the crap.You can't say you didn't see it coming because the warnings were there in your negative points as they were building up.

If Admin find out that a Member is abusing the system in any way shape or form, then that person may be banned for a month.

YOU will be judged by your peers.

The system is up and running as of NOW...
how do we assign negative or posative points?forgive me for being dumb i jsut cant see where on the post thing it is

Hey Pete, I don't see your rep score under your avatar.......Confused
Did you forget to put it on yours Lol2
oh oh oh im a 1!!!!Clap

Dan85 Wrote:oh oh oh im a 1!!!!Clap

Someone liked the Hoff photos...Roll
It's a week by week charade.
Lol, love the E-bay styles =0)
so of course anyone or a number of people could - if they wanted - gang up on one member for bad rep points?? lol
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
RaZ Wrote:so of course anyone or a number of people could - if they wanted - gang up on one member for bad rep points?? lol

Unfortunately, you are right. I have seen other forums in all out war over the last few years with systems like this. It can turn into a popularity contest.

If a mature attitude is taken, all well and good. You can always gauge the authenticity of the "reputation" by reading and validating the comments yourself.

It can also make the trouble makers pull their head in too, for risk of bans and the like.
Simmo - with the likes of - their bike club, Netrider, hangmore, bike club, & many other forums do have moderators - after years of dealing with online forums, helping set them up & watch them over time, having moderators is the only way - they see something & are not sure, they move it to a admin / moderator forum that can only be seen by those people & they decide as a group what to do & how to handle it.

or they can simply delete the post & pm the person about it. either way - the moderator way - IMO is the only way to fix this
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
shit im it was good talking to everyone i guess a group of 10 poeple (mates)can get anyone banned oh well:)
How were the moderators selected. Is it an "in" club thing??? Is there a moderator representing each state???Who is the Admin team??

Not having a go here, but if we are going to start subjecting people to a panel of moderators I would like to know who they are, what judging criteria is being applied, and how the moderators were appointed.

-1 for me then lol.
RaZ Wrote:Simmo - with the likes of - their bike club, Netrider, hangmore, bike club, & many other forums do have moderators - after years of dealing with online forums, helping set them up & watch them over time, having moderators is the only way - they see something & are not sure, they move it to a admin / moderator forum that can only be seen by those people & they decide as a group what to do & how to handle it.

or they can simply delete the post & pm the person about it. either way - the moderator way - IMO is the only way to fix this

Agreed. Mods are the only way to go, reputation not so much. I too have been a mod on another vehicle related forum (which also tried the rep and failed badly, for the reasons I mentioned) and mods work well. Mods peruse posts daily, allowing a decent amount of banter and heated discussion, but without insult/racism, etc. Get out of line and get your post locked or removed. Unfortunately, its getting to the point here where I am hard pressed to find Hayabusa related threads, and when I do open one and have a read, they end up turning into a shit slinging match.
Oops posted twice
1hotbusa Wrote:How were the moderators selected. Is it an "in" club thing??? Is there a moderator representing each state???Who is the Admin team??

Not having a go here, but if we are going to start subjecting people to a panel of moderators I would like to know who they are, what judging criteria is being applied, and how the moderators were appointed.

-1 for me then lol.
Again, a solid point for consideration. The board owner can dictate, it's his board. The people can vote, also open to bias and popularity. No perfect system I guess. But we always have the choice to cease posting, leave the forum, visit anonomously as a guest or just live without...just get out and ride my bike Very Happy

I hope it all sorts nicely, so we can keep talking bikes. That's the main reason I am here.
Simo Wrote:Agreed. Mods are the only way to go, reputation not so much. I too have been a mod on another vehicle related forum (which also tried the rep and failed badly, for the reasons I mentioned) and mods work well. Mods peruse posts daily, allowing a decent amount of banter and heated discussion, but without insult/racism, etc. Get out of line and get your post locked or removed. Unfortunately, its getting to the point here where I am hard pressed to find Hayabusa related threads, and when I do open one and have a read, they end up turning into a shit slinging match.

Yeah mate - I totally agree with you :) gee sometimes I wish I could be up there & go for a fang with you guys & get told to look more lol :)

anyway - as to who to choose? I dont know - I'd chose those that started the club - Volvi & Richard - but you would need some others who are always able to watch over the forum
[Image: nocensorship.gif]

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